The Art Of Rest


Do you ever feel like you don’t have time to rest? The hustle and bustle of life, raising our family, ministry and the never ending to-do list can throw me into a panic whenever a needed time of rest comes around. Do I really have time to stop? Days before our family was to leave on a trip to Maine, I was feeling the time crunch. So many things were pulling for our attention that it seemed like almost an impossible feat to disappear for the week.

I grabbed this book as we headed out the door (which has been longingly calling my name as I run from one thing to the next, with no time to read it). It took retreating to a log cabin deep in the woods of Maine for me to quiet myself long enough to open the cover and begin reading. Ironically, the cabin loaned to us is named Friedenru, which in Dutch means peaceful rest. Add to the fact that the cabin is completely off the grid, solar-powered with zero cell service, God was sending a clear message!

The Art of Rest is a timely reminder that we are not God. In fact, He can run the world perfectly well with or without us. Adam Mabry gives a propelling case to understand the pattern of work and rest that God has created for our good and His glory. Rest is a way of remembering God, of meditating how He has worked in our lives, been faithful to His promises and sustained us with His grace.

Rest is a way to demonstrate faith in God and trust that He’s got it covered- even if the laundry isn’t done. 


Journeywomen Podcast


The Battle With Being “Good Enough”