Hello! My name is Stacy Reaoch, and I'm so glad you stopped by! I'm a pastor's wife, momma of four kids ranging from ten to twenty, writer and speaker. My aim in writing is to point others to Christ through the beauty of words, application of the Bible and lessons I'm learning in my own life. On this site you'll find articles related to contentment, body image, ministry, motherhood, suffering, marriage, singleness, hospitality and more.
My story
I came to faith in Christ during my freshman year of college. Through the witness of my boyfriend (who is now my husband!), God's sovereign planting of Christian girls in my dorm, a Gospel preaching church, and a young woman working in college ministry who discipled me, I came to see my sin and my great need for a Savior. I began to pour over my Bible and was immersed in a culture of evangelism and discipleship. Through various heartaches in life, I've learned to bank on the promises of God's Word. A life verse that has ministered to me countless times is Psalm 84:11 "For the Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."
I've always loved the beauty of words that are strung together well. In college I began journaling my life experiences and newfound faith in Christ. I never imagined that many of those lessons would later be used in articles designed to minister to others. God's surprising and good plans are so much better than anything I could have dreamed. Several years ago I was going through a particularly difficult season of life and ministry. As I studied the life of Moses and the wilderness journey of the Israelites, I saw reflections in my own life. Some of my first published articles originated from that wilderness time and later led to the publication of my book entitled Wilderness Wanderings: Finding Contentment in the Desert Times of Life. It's a poignant reminder that God doesn't waste our suffering.
Simple Joys
Gratitude has a way of cultivating contentment in my heart. For that reason, I like to remember God's goodness to me often...both through tangible, earthly blessings and spiritual blessings. A few simple joys of this life on earth are date nights with my husband, laughing with my children, a cup of tea and a good book, chocolate, dancing, and driving alone with my favorite music blaring.